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July 18 - 19, 2025 - Maple Grove Rugby Park


Super-Spike is one of Canada's biggest outdoor beach volleyball tournaments, attracting thousands of participants every summer. Co-ed teams of 6's come for the games and stay for the party at this action-packed festival. 

Super-Spike offers levels of volleyball for everyone – from first-time players to seasoned veterans. Divisions include Recreational, Intermediate and Competitive presented by Shortline Moving, plus a Corporate Challenge Division for businesses to enter teams.  

Tournament Schedule

Teams can expect volleyball games to be scheduled on:

FRIDAY between 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. (Round Robin)

SATURDAY between 11:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Round Robin)

SATURDAY between 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. (Playoffs)

No schedule requests can be accomodated.

Choose your division

Recreational Division

You're here to enjoy the weather, the people, and, of course… the party. There's no spiking allowed in the recreational division, only roll shots. Volleyball experience is not required, but you must know how to have a good time. All Recreational Division games will be played on the grass courts.

Grass courts

No spiking


Intermediate Division

You've played some volleyball in the past, and you're ready for some fun competition. Spiking is allowed. The intermediate division is limited to 256 teams and all games will be played on the grass or sand courts.

Grass or sand courts

Spiking allowed

More athletic than recreational

Shortline Moving Competitive Division

Presented by Shortline Moving

For the teams with experience. You're out to have a great time, but you're skillfully competing for the championship. If you've got game and you're here to win, this division is for you. All of the competitive games will be played on the sand courts.

Sand courts

Competitive spiking

Higher competition level


Every team must assign a Team Captain. Team Captains are responsible for registration, and ensuring team members show up for their games. In the event of a dispute or issue with the team, only the Team Captain may speak on behalf of the team. 


Team Captains are responsible for completing the online registration, and ensuring all team members are in our system. 

Register before June 6, 2025 at 11:59pm to receive our Early Bird rate of $54 per person.

After June 6, 2025 at 11:59pm, it will be $65 per person (Regular rate)

Final deadline to register: July 11, 2025 at 11:59pm. Registration may close early if our team capacity is reached. 

All volleyball participants receive free access for the concert series and festival.
Non-volleyball participants can purchase a Weekend Pass to attend the concerts and festival.

Don't Have a Team?

Email [email protected] and we will do our best to connect you with other players looking to start a team, or with existing teams looking for an additional player, if available. 

Volleyball Tournament Rules

All Divisions

  1. All participants must be 18 years or older.
  2. All participants must read, sign, and submit the online waiver form before playing or your team will be subject to default.
  3. Games are 24 minutes, timed matches, running score.
  4. Teams are ranked in their pool by games won:lost, and then points for:against difference overall, and if necessary for:against ratio overall.
  5. Teams will switch sides at 12 minutes (as indicated by the announcer).
  6. 1 point is scored for every serve (rally point).
  7. The ball can be contacted 3 times in a row by male players, but the third contact cannot be an attack.
  8. Teams must have 2 members of the opposite sex on the court at all times during play.
  9. Any part of the body many be used to keep the ball in play.
  10. All basic volleyball rules apply (3 hits, rotation order, net touch, held ball, open hand tips allowed, etc).
  11. Blocking is allowed by front row players only. 2 males are permitted to block side by side. 
  12. Serving can be done anywhere across the end line.
  13. Every team is guaranteed 3 games, but may play more.
  14. Bring your own ball for warm ups. There is 1 game ball for every court. Please do not remove it from the playing area.
  15. Team Captains are responsible for keeping score during the match.
  16. Following each match, the Team Captain of the winning team is responsible for reporting the score to the Results Area.
  17. All games are controlled via the Honor System. The event is about having fun. If you commit an infraction, make the call.
  18. Teams must be comprised of a minimum of 6, up to a maximum of 10 players. 6 players, including at least 2 females and 2 males must be on the court during the entire game. Teams not meeting this requirement will be subject to a default. The opposing team may waive the minimum player requirement and have the match count as an official game. This must be determined prior to the start of the match.
  19. If the horn indicator goes off during a rally, the rally is to be completed and point scored.
  20. There are no tie games. If the teams are tied at the end of the 24 minutes, one sudden-death rally-point (served by the team that won the previous point) determines the game winner.
  21. Teams that are late to the start of a game are penalized 1 point per minute.  Both teams need to agree on the penalty points and the games starting score before the game starts.  If a team fails to show for the full game the score will be recorded as 25-0.  Team captain of the team that was present is required to report that the other team did not show up.
  22. Any teams that do not report their scores by the end of the round robin will default to a 15 - 15 tie.

Recreational Division Rules

All-Division Rules above apply, plus the following:

  1. No spiking is allowed. This is defined as jumping and attacking the ball above the height of the net.
  2. Spike serves are not allowed.
  3. 'Held/Carried' or '2-Hit' violations will be allowed a good deal of flexibility.
  4. The top TWO team in each pool will advance to a single elimination playoff draw.

Intermediate & Competitive Division Rules

All-Division Rules above apply, plus the following:

  1. Spiking is allowed by front row players only. This is defined as 'jumping' and attacking the ball above the height of the net.
  2. Spike serves are allowed.
  3. INTERMEDIATE DIVISION PLAY-OFFS: The top team in each pool will advance to a single elimination playoff draw.
  4. COMPETITIVE DIVISION PLAY-OFFS: The top two teams from each pool advance to a single elimination playoff draw.